We Are Green

...or why it's important to leave a cleaner world for those after us!

R.E.P. Trading Ltd., owner of Sports store www.voleibolenmagazin.com, and the people who work here believe that it's important to significantly reduce the impact we leave on the environment through our actions.

This is why we have adopted the following practices in our daily office life:

  • We use only recycled PCF paper, including for the shipping labels you receive with your package.
  • We primarily use email and electronic documents (invoices, etc.).
  • We don't use plastic or paper cups for our daily coffee.
  • We reuse the packaging in which we receive our goods.
  • We minimize the use of additional packaging materials, and whenever possible, they are easily biodegradable.
  • We use the services of a carbon-neutral supplier for receiving our goods.
  • We deliver our packages through a courier service that uses new, economical, and eco-friendly vehicles.
  • Our office is insulated, which helps reduce energy consumption.
  • We strive to deliver our packages successfully on the first attempt, effectively reducing the carbon footprint of our operations. You can help us - fill in your delivery address correctly. Yes, it's that simple! :)

And don't forget - recycling often means a lower price! Something we all strive for, right? :)

From the team at Sports store www.voleibolenmagazin.com